Intro To The Blog and How It Fits Into The Internet Marketing Puzzle - Part 1

Nearly all businesses have some sort of an online presence today. Many use blogs to get the word out about their products and services. If you are new to blogging, or are just trying to figure out how a blog fits into your overall marketing plan, this post will walk you through the basics.

It seems like I am all over the board with suggestions about how you can become a successful internet marketer. The truth is that there are a number of individual components that make up your internet empire. Each article is one piece of the giant puzzle. But never fear, if you follow all my articles you will eventually begin to understand the BIG picture!

What is a blog. The blog is a "web log." A few years ago the only way to have a piece of cyber real estate on the World Wide Web, was to create and maintain a "website." Ten years ago you had to be an accomplished programmer to maintain that web site. You had to be able to program in code and build your site from the ground up. When the site was finished and all the links were working, you then had to FTP (file transfer protocol) the code to a server. Once on the server, the program (website) would run and you would see a web page. Whew!

HTML (hyper text markup language) came next. It was an "easy" programming language that mostly anyone could learn if they wanted to build their own web sites. It was still a lot of work. And did I mention that 10 years ago registering a domain name was hundreds of dollars and you still had to pay for hosting (band width).

As the technology and the need grew, the next iteration was the WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) programs. Now anyone could build a website if they could afford the software. It was just like using a word processor, no more HTML or programming.

You still needed the skills to move the new web site to the web and you still needed to pay for hosting and domain names.

Enter the Blog. For free and without any programming or fancy computer skills, you could write your mind, live, on your blog! There are different platforms, like eblogger or Wordpress and some are more flexible then others, but anyone could post their thoughts on the World Wide Web. Free. Originally, blogs were diaries that anyone could read. A mini website, if you would, that was as easy to use as MS Word.

Savvy marketers began to realize that they could build a relationship with people they never met by writing about an interesting topic. The topics could be cooking or marketing, embroidery or car repair. If the blog content was valuable and helpful, people would return for information. And remember; the information was FREE.

Sooner or later the blog owner could offer something for sale that their readers would be interested in buying; a cook book or repair manual, for example. So was born, the monetized blog.

There are a few things to keep in mind...

First some blog space on the server is given to you for free. In return you get a basic blog and the server owner gets to run ads on your blog. Other blogs, you host the software and can put whatever you want on the blog.

The search engines will "crawl" and index the blogs and you may get listed in the organic listings. To be sure to get listed you have to make sure that the blog is optimized. This included things like Meta Tags and key words and back links.

In part two I will show you some ways to "monetize" your blog to make money and to use the blog to build traffic to your product page.

Davis is an accomplished internet marketer who loves to help others become successful. Click here to view the blog. Discover the simple secrets that most people will never know about how to create easy monthly internet income without ever leaving your house! Get your FREE report here:

If you are looking for actionable, step-by-step plans to learn how to make money blogging, then check out the resources below.

Related Blogging Resources

Learn How to Become A Professional Blogger Today
The Most Powerful Social Media Marketing Method Ever Devised
AutoBlog Blueprint