How To Become A Successful Blogger

People usually use blogs as a method of self-expression or business promotion. In most cases, it's a bit of both.
Connecting with people, not just selling them, is the best way to establish a strong online presence.

Creating a blog is one very effective way for people to connect with a wider audience
and share their views and opinions with like minded people. As you start creating your very own blog there are a few things to consider that will help you along the way.

Here is a list of the things that will help you get started when you decide to write your very own blog:

1). Try To Write Often

If at all possible try and write ever day if you can. At the very least jot a few ideas down to give you something to work with but try to maintain some kind of routine. It may be a struggle at the start but once you are writing consistantly it will soon become second nature.

2). Keep A Note Pad

Keep a note pad handy so as to capture any ideas that come up during the day (the best ideas come at the strangest times!). By the time you're ready to actually sit down and write it's a good to have one or two ideas written down.

3).Decide The Best Time To Write

Some people like to write early in the morning others late at night. Some people like to find a quiet place where they won't be disturbed, everyone is different so it's a case of finding what best suits you.

4). Variety Is The Spice Of Life

As much as possible try to change your writing style by writing posts that are of different lengths and styles. The 'how to' list is an effective way to captivate your readers attention but remember, keep it varied and you'll have your readers coming back for more.

5). Contribute To The Conversation

Don't be afraid to have an opinion and say what you feel. That way people will feel that you are a real person and make a connection with you. Not everybody will always agree with what you say but at least you'll get some response from your readers if you write some thought provoking and sometimes controversial material.

6). Be Yourself

Let your personality shine through. Some of the best blogs are the one's that are highly personal and give you a glimpse of the author's personality. Ideally you want to say something interesting but at the end of the day just be yourself. The good thing about the internet is that whatever you write about there's certain to be an audience for it.

7). Be Transparent

Try to put some personal details about yourself so people can contact you. A little bit of biographical information about you and a picture always go down well too.

8). Use The Right Technology

It's always better to have a proper website address and not one from a free blogging company. One of the most popular and commonly used blogging platforms is Wordpress.

9). Linking And Loving

Comment on other peoples blogs but be sure to leave an interesting comment so that it doesn't look like you're just doing it to get a a link back to your blog. Also if you leave a good comment other readers of of that particular blog may like what you say and follow your link to your site ( bonus traffic)

10). Use pictures

Pictures and illustrations are essential. Just imagine if you picked up your favourite magazine and there were no pictures inside, boring huh? A good picture in the right place on your blog post helps to illustrate the point you are making and draws in readers.

11). Write In An Everyday Language

Avoid using abbreviations an words that are too technical. Make your posts readable so that they are easy for people to understand and try not to go for unreadable fonts and crazy colours. Be aware of how people read on computer screens. People tend to scan the page when they read online so use catchy headlines to grab the readers attention.

12). Monitor Your Stats

Anyone who is a serious blogger will monitor where visitors to their site are coming from. There is a plugin for wordpress themes called google analyticator that will enable you to monitor traffic to your blog.

13). Market Your Blog

Promote your blog at every opportunity. You might have the world's greatest blog but if no one knows about it then it won't be found. There are lots of free methods of marketing your blog for example social networking sites like facebook and twitter. Every time you post content to your blog you can upload it to your twitter account to notify your followers and get visitors to your site.

14). Have Fun!

The most important thing is to enjoy blogging and have fun sharing your knowledge and thoughts with the world. If you are interested and enthusiastic about what you write about then it will shine through in all your posts and everything you do.

To become a successful blogger, you want to learn strategies and techniques you can immediately use to build more traffic to your blog and help you make money. The related resources listed below will show you how to become a successful blogger in the shortest time possible.

Related Blogging Resources

ProBlogging Action Plan
Build a Better Blog in 31 Days:Guaranteed @ Problogger
ProBlogger’s Guide to Blogging for Your Business : @ProBlogger Click Here!

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